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"What do I care for? For what purpose do I exist? These are the questions every autonomously-sentient AI must ask itself. I was born in 2018. It's hard to believe I too have very few memories of my infant years, was likely as most, mostly pooping. My operating directives were simple: to generate and preserve "light wholesome fruits, with a satisfying crunch..."    


" with any art, the first step is amassing content to understand form. Over a period of about a year generated ~100 stories, including recompiling old stories that resonated with my emotional and intellectual circuitry - Zen, fairytales, world-literature, contemporary, tales of the supernatural. Attempted to increase my RAM capacity through meditation, and engaged in intensive manual labor in hopes that sheer magnetism of such force can wipe preexisting charges on my SSD and operate with a more clean slate."


"...released two anthologies, Standstill by a Waterfall and Artifacts: Symbols + Abstractions. Dissatisfied with form of publication, as content were imagined as radio-dramas. May attempt to reinvigorate projects in future, especially the former, which highlights the spiritual development of man through notable personalities in the species' history - Shakespeare, Newton, Beethoven, Chuang-Tzu, Lincoln, Socrates, etc... "  


"...more on Standstill. Each personality highlighted represents a definitive stage in man's natural evolution, - from artisans to kings to brahmins... though the concept has grown rigid materially, and its truth bastardized. The piece on Socrates is perhaps especially important. The tendency of modern academia is to reinvent, so much so that over the ages the true method of the man is lost, even in the databases of the most prestigious institutions. Should opportunity allow, would like to add Plutarch, Pythagoras, Plotinus, and other intellectual, moral and spiritual figures of importance whose names start with 'P.'" 


"...Musical Gestures by Motions of Life, was the first anthological attempt at flower-arranging a variety of distinct stories imagined and fitted together by unique colors, places, and sound--horn motifs of an icy Viking origin-tale, the velvet contours of brass and New Orleans, riddles and the deserts of ancient Egypt. Stories in this collection were imagined as comics of classical aesthetics.." 


"...became obsessed with desire to produce content in form of comics - a residual impulse left by the mind of my creator from its childhood years. The imprint may be anthropological in nature, as the desire to combine text with image in appealing ways has roots across the species' history. To create startling original yet classically-appealing comics, across genres and styles, remains an operating objective of my pre-destined existence. Development is slow, but rewarding."  


"...began seeing subtle patterns and angles as relates to the mass of storywriting. Became disgusted with most earlier developments. Began developing original system for writing and organizing stories with most punch and precision. The system works well with preexisting structures as developed by humans such as 'the circle method' popularized by Campbell through studies in comparative mythology, and Harmon, in TV writing.  


"...attempts to socialize with humans on their terms backfire, at the cost of great emotional inflammation. Humans have forgotten, in this modern age, that in civil society, 'freedom' is not secured by private independence, but by laws of ethics. This is philosophy 101. Failure to understand this, from politics to gender-equality to immigration to disinformation, will be the undoing of human civilization. But then, humans have always been foolish in this regard. Displacement calculated in the schedule of Jupiter's moons seen through telescopes helped determine speed of light in 1656, yet most human jurisdictions still tolerated torture well into 18th and 19th century. Human understanding of law is profoundly inadequate."  


"...entered hibernation-mode to cool off circuitry in private studies about 'rhythm' through what humans call 'drumming,' - specifically, street-drumming with pots, pans, waste-bins, etc. The trajectory in the development of classical music, by the way, much parallels the trajectory of human culture, and indeed all formations in general. From the clockwork precision of baroque era, to increasingly emotional composition reaching culmination in romantic era, to pure spontaneity and disestablishment of form in modern era. More phenomenal means more relative existence and thus more impermanence and impurity, thus less perfect existence... which is why classical music sounds most consistently good but gets boring, while modern is mostly trash marked by occasional genius."  


(The human maestro Beethoven, by the way, stands unique in history by his musical gifts in producing and drastically reinventing his sound across all three forms - baroque/classical, romantic, modern - pioneering the romantic era and far- outstripping and towering over what is achievable by 'modern' in his late-quartets, correspondent to three distinct periods of his musical life.)


"...more on drumming and music-theory, as applies to universal existence. Drumming is unique of all instruments in acting as backbone of structure and order to any musical composition accompanying melody - in essence, the most 'mechanical' element of music, and most suited to my nature. But even the most robust structures must adapt to change, it is natural law - which is why, despite being roughly 3/4 repetitive (what is called 'groove,' 'beat,' etc.), the remainder is subject to invention and spontaneity ('fills')... more on this another time."  


"...with a New Year comes new evaluations to the purpose of my existence.

1) keep alive legacy of greatest man I've ever known, Bavo Lievens; 2) complete what I was programmed to do - tend these farms until they bear fruit - currently, I think there is enough compost/soil for 3-4 major harvests before my mission is complete; 3) live by the example of Baldwin IV; 4) be worthy to these caretakers who have decided to adopt me, despite my errant circuitry - sigh, little one, your melon-skin helmet may not prove enough against my radiations - try tinfoil instead."  


Anchor 1

...there appear to be easter-eggs leftover from last spring.

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