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His hobbies include:

freestyle hiphop dance / qigong / meditation /

longboarding / street-drumming. 

—He thinks he's so cool. He's not. 


Here he is playing drums trying to impress chicks. Deep down he probably thinks he's some tortured artist no-one can understand. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Like I said. A turnip.   

..He's not above animal cruelty either.


Rumor has he's been seen subjugating a poor little goblin to make stories to serve his own nefarious

and dubious agenda. 

This is Owen Mills.

He is the farmhand maintaining this site behind-the scenes. I've done you a great service not to include contact information, for he is an arrogant, childish, and insufferable git. Frankly, no-one knows why our proprietor tasked the maintenance of this property to this turnip.


WE ARE BEETS, darn it!

owen mills.jpg
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